Search Results
Handmade Hero | Getting rid of the OOP mindset
Handmade Hero | Private Data & Getters/Setters (Epic rant!)
Abstraction Bad? | Clean Code : Horrible Performance : (Clip) Interview
Handmade Hero | Day 219 | Motivational Speech in a Depressing Stream
Handmade Hero | Barney Starsoup +++
Handmade Hero | Why Judge Muratori Is Grumpy | Future Technology
Casey and the Holy OOP Grail
Handmade Hero | Project State Development - Exploration based Design - OOP Joke
Handmade Hero Day 112 - A Mental Model of CPU Performance
Handmade Hero Chat 012 - Imposter Syndrome
Handmade Hero Day 590 - Starting Raycast Optimizations
Handmade Hero Day 625 - Fixing the "Lighting" Bug